"I was an agency owner..."

Starting a business is like hatching a baby chick (or so I imagine). Some pain and then a lot of nurturing. So I hatched my business by leaving a 6-figure salaried job and never looked back. My one regret? I didn’t do it sooner. Yes, it was scary. Yes, it was a lot of work. But all my efforts led to my own rewards as well as more control over my life. Not to say that owning your own business is all blue skies and sunshine. Plus, instead of having a single boss I now had many — known as clients! But as the Captain of my own ship in charge of my own destiny I learned to attract and work with clients that I liked and respected. Not all of them, of course, but most. And it was the freedom to say the sweetest word I know: No. No, to unreasonable requests. No, to requests I knew would not result in positive outcomes. But also the freedom to say YES, and take calculated risks and make decisions based on my well-trusted gut.
So why am I telling you all this?
Because after 15 years of growing and building my digital agency, Samson Media, I felt it was time to cash out and move on to other things — enjoy the fruits of my labor, travel more, indulge my hobbies and did I mention cash out?
And I was astounded at the amount of interest there was in buying my small agency. Mainly it was due to our year-to-year-to-year profitability and my ability to document those profits. That’s one of the important things we’ll discuss when we connect.
While I had a list of several reasons why I was ready to sell, the important thing to ask yourself is: are you ready for your next chapter? Maybe. Maybe not yet. Or maybe, hell yeah! Let me help you figure that out. I love to chat and discuss this subject with other business owners, each who has a fascinating story to tell. Book a time at the link below to tell me yours!